Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Problems on Percentages

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1. The ratio  5:4 expressed as percent equals::
(a) 12.5%                                (b) 40%
(c) 80%                                   (d)  125%

2. 3 can be expressed in terms of percentage as:
(a)0.35%                                   (b) 3.5%
(c) 35%                                    (d)350%

3, Half of 1 percent written as a decimal is :
(a)0.005%                                  (b) 0.05%
(c) 0.02%                                   (d) 0.2

4. what is 15 percent of Rs. 34?
(a) Rs. 3.40                               (b) Rs. 3.75
(c) Rs. 4.50                               (d) Rs. 5.10

5. 63% of 3(4/7) is :
 (a) 2.25                                   (b) 2.40
(c) 2.50                                       (d) 2.75

6. 88%of 370 + 24% of 210 -? = 118
 (a) 256                                       (b) 258
(c) 268                                         (d) 358

7. 860%of 50 +50%of860 =?
 (a) 430                                     (b) 516
(c) 860                                     (d) 960

8. 45% of 750 - 25% of 480 = ?
(a) 216                                   (b) 217.50
 (c) 236.50                            (d) 245

90. 40% of  1640 +? = 35%of 980 +150%of 850
(a) 372                                          (b) 842
 (c) 962                                        (d) 1052

10. 218%  of 1674 = ? x 1800
(a) 0.5                                (b) 4
 (c) 6                                 (d) none of these

11. 60% of 246 is the same as :
(a) 10% of 44                              (b) 15% of 1056
(c) 30% of 132                           (d) none of these

12. 270 candidates appeared for an examination, of which 252 passed . the pass percentage
(a) 80%                                             (b) 83(1/3) %
(c) 90(1/3) %                                    (d) 93(1/3)

13 .  0.01 is what percent of 0.1%
 (a) (1/100)                               (b)  (1/10)
 (c) 10                                      (d) 100

14 . what percent of Rs. 2650 is Rs 1987.50 /
 (a) 60%                                  (b) 75%
 (c) 80 %                                 (d) 90%

15. What percent of a day is 3 hours?
(a) 12(1/2)%                           (b) 16(2/3)%
(c)  18(2/3)%                          (d) 22(1/2)%
16. It costs Re 1 to photocopy a sheet of paper. However, 2% discount is allowed on all photocopies done after first 1000 sheets. How much will it cost to copy 5000 sheets of paper?
(a)Rs. 3920                            (b) Rs. 3980
(c)Rs. 4900                            (d) Rs. 4920

17. A housewife saved Rs. 2.50 in buying an item on sale.If she spents Rs. 25 for the item, approximately how much percent she saved in the transaction?
(a) 8%                                 (b) 9%
(c)10%                               (d) 11%

18.The number which exceeds 16% of  it by 42 is :
(a)50                                   (b)52
(c) 58                                  (d)60

19. If 15% of 40 is greater than 25% of number by 2. then the number is :
(a)12                                     (b)16
(c)24                                    (d)32

20 . The sum of two numbers is 2490. if 6.5% of one number is equal to 8.5% of the other
(a)989,1501                             (b)1011,1479
(c)1401, 1089                         (d)1411,1079

21. The difference of two numbers is 20% of the larger number . if the smaller number is 20, then the larger number is :
(a)25                                         (b)45
(c)50                                         (d)80

22. If one number is 80%  of the other and 4 times the sum of their squares is 656, then the numbers are :
(a)4,5                                        (b)8,10
(c)16,20                                     (d) None of these

23. A person who spends 66(2/3)% of his income is able to save Rs. 1200 per month. His monthly expenses ( in Rs. ) are :
(a)   Rs. 1200                         (b) Rs. 2400
(c)   Rs. 3000                         (d) Rs. 3200

24. 10% of of the voters did not cast their in an election between two candidates. 10% of the votes polled were found invalid;id.The successful candidate got 54% of the valid votes and won by a majority of 1620 votes. The number of voters enrolled on the voters' list was:
(a)  2500                               (b) 33000
(c)  35000                            (d)  40000

25. Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of Rs. 550 per week by their employer. If X is paid 120 percent of the sum paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week?
(a)   Rs. 200                         (b) Rs. 250
(c)   Rs. 300                         (d) None of them

26 . 1100 boys and 700 girls are examined in a test , 42 %  of the boys and 30 % of the girls pass . the percentage of the total who failed is :
 (a)58%                              (b) 62(2/3) %
 (c)64%                              (d) 78%

27 . If 20% of a= b, then b% of 20 is the same as :
(a) 40%o of a                         (b)5% of a
(c)20% of a                            (d)None of these

28. If x is 90 % of y, then what percent of x is y ?
(a)x                                       (b)100 x
(c) x 100                               (d) y

29 If p% of p is 36, then p is equal to :
(a) 15                                   (b)60
(c) 600                                 (d)3600

30. If x % of y is 100 and y% z is 200 then find a relation between x and z
(a)z= (x/ 2)                              (b) z = 2 x
(c) z= (x/4)                               (d)z=4 x

31. A man loses 20(1/2) % of his money and after spending 80% of the 
     remainder, he is left with 159. How much money did he have first?
 (a) 800    (b)  1000
 (c) 1,200 (d)   500

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